While we’ll sell hay to anybody, we specialize in dairy quality hay. What’s the difference between dairy hay and feeder hay? Essentially, the difference is quality. We have our hay tested for the total digestible nutrients (TDN), the relative feed value (RFV) and the crude protein (CP). In order for a dairy to want to buy hay from us, our alfalfa must test as “Supreme”, which means the scores for TDN is 55.9 and up, the RFV is 185 and CP is 22 and up on the Alfalfa Hay Test Guidelines.
TDN = Total Digestible Nutrients | RFV = Relative Feed Value | CP = Crude Protein
Alfalfa Grades
Global Select™ Supreme Alfalfa CP22 RFV185
Global Select™ Premium Alfalfa CP20 RFV170
Global Select™ Good Alfalfa CP18 RFV150
Global Select™ Fair Alfalfa CP18 RFV130
Global Select™ Economy Alfalfa CP16
With these tests, you can rest assured that you’re buying high-quality hay, and with our reputation for customer service, you know you’ll get treated as a valued customer. Since our alfalfa hay tests in the Supreme range, it’s the perfect solution for press hay as well as dairy hay. Interested in press hay but don’t want to do it yourself? Our staff can connect you to a hay press operator, and if you need the hay shipped overseas, we can help with an exporting solution.
Need straw? We sell that too! For livestock bedding, composting or to use as filler, we can provide large bales similar in size to our 1,500 pound bales of alfalfa for whatever purpose you need. Since we use a steamer to bale our straw, our bales tend to be heavier than what other straw-sellers provide, which means more value for our customers. Our farm grows wheat, barley and oats, so the straw we can provide will depend on the season it’s being delivered during.
If you’re interested in buying hay, or would like to get prices on conventional or organic alfalfa, please contact our hay